王文昕 高级工程师
学科:  天文技术与方法
学历: 博士研究生
邮编: 100101
邮箱: wxwang@nao.cas.cn
地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号
1. W.X. Wang, Z.X. Ling, C. Zhang, et al., Design and test results of different aluminum coating layers on the sCMOS sensors for soft X-ray detection, JINST (2022) 17 P12016
2. Wenxin Wang, Zhixing Ling, Chen Zhang, et al., Design and test results of scientific X-ray CMOS cameras, Proc. of SPIE 12191. (2022) 121910L
3. Xue Yang, Chen Zhang, Wenxin Wang, et al., Experimental Study of Micrometeoroids Impacts on an X-Ray Telescope Model using Micro-pore Optics and CMOS Detector with Micron-sized Particles, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, (2022) 134:065002
4. Qinyu Wu, Zhenqing Jia, Wenxin Wang, et al., X-Ray Performance of a Customized Large-format Scientific CMOS Detector, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, (2022) 134:035006 
5. Z. Ling, W. Wang, Z. Jia, et al., A correlogram method to examine the crosstalk of sCMOS sensors, JINST (2021) 16 P03018