王培 副研究员


学历: 博士研究生
邮编: 100101
地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号

王培,男,1985年出生,北京市人,群众,暗网免费c小孩网址入口副研究员。2014年在中国科学院近代物理研究所获得粒子与原子核物理博士学位,同年入职中科院国家天文台工作至今。2020年入选中国科学院青促会。 主要从事基于FAST望远镜脉冲星搜索与计时观测,快速射电暴研究和射电-伽马射线-X射线多波段脉冲星观测。主要成果为系统性FAST新脉冲星发现及快速射电暴观测研究,其中两项工作以共同一作发表于《自然》期刊,包括首次揭示FRB重复暴能谱特征、最严格限制了首例河内FRB源伴随高能爆发的射电流量。以一作或通讯作者发表SCI学术论文12篇,引用超300篇次,申请专利2件。先后承担国家自然科学基金项目2项、参与国家重点研发计划2项。


(1) Li, D.; Wang, P.; Zhu, W. W.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, X. X.; Duan, R.; Zhang, Y. K.; Feng, Y.; Tang, N. Y.; Chatterjee, S.; Cordes, J. M.; Cruces, M.; Dai, S.; Gajjar, V; Hobbs, G.; Jin, C.; K ramer, M.; Lorimer, D. R.; Miao, C. C.; Niu, C. H.; Niu, J. R.; Pan, Z. C.; Qian, L.; Spitler, L. ; Werthimer, D.; Zhang, G. Q.; Wang, F. Y.; Xie, X. Y.; Yue, Y. L.; Zhang, L.; Zhi, Q. J.; Zhu, Y . ; A bimodal burst energy distribution of a repeating fast radio burst source, Nature, 2021, 598 (7880): 267.

(2) Lin, L.; Zhang, C. F.; Wang, P.; Gao, H.; Guan, X.; Han, J. L.; Jiang, J. C.; Jiang, P.; Lee, K. J.; Li, D.; Men, Y. P.; Miao, C. C.; Niu, C. H.; Niu, J. R.; Sun, C.; Wang, B. J.; Wang, Z. L.; Xu, H.; Xu, J. L.; Xu, J. W.; Yang, Y. H.; Yang, Y. P.; Yu, W.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, B. -B.; Zhou, D. J.; Zhu, W. W.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Dai, Z. G.; Ge, M. Y.; Hu, Y. D.; Li, C. K.; Li, Y .; Li, Z.; Liang, E. W.; Jia, S. M.; Querel, R.; Shao, L.; Wang, F. Y.; Wang, X. G.; Wu, X. F.; X iong, S. L.; Xu, R. X.; Yang, Y. -S.; Zhang, G. Q.; Zhang, S. N.; Zheng, T. C.; Zou, J. -H. ; No pulsed radio emission during a bursting phase of a Galactic magnetar, Nature, 2020, 587(7832): 63.

(3) Wang, Pei; Li, Di; Clark, Colin J.; Parkinson, Pablo M. Saz; Hou, Xian; Zhu, Weiwei; Qian , Lei; Yue, Youling; Pan, Zhichen; Liu, Zhijie; Yu, Xuhong; You, Shanping; Xie, Xiaoyao; Zhi, Qij un; Zhang, Hui; Yao, Jumei; Yan, Jun; Zhang, Chengmin; Fan, Kwok Lung; Ray, Paul S.; Kerr, Matthe w; Smith, David A.; Michelson, Peter F.; Ferrara, Elizabeth C.; Thompson, David J.; Shen, Zhiqian g; Wang, Na ; FAST discovery of an extremely radio-faint millisecond pulsar from the Fermi-LAT un associated source 3FGL J0318.1+0252, Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy, 2021, 64(12):129562.

(4) Wang Pei; Yin Peng; Shang Xinle; Zuo Wei ; Proton spectral functions in finite nuclei bas ed on the extended Brueckner-HartreeFock approach, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Phy sics, 2018, 45(10): 0-105102 (5) Li Di; Wang Pei; Qian Lei; Krco Marko; Dunning Alex; Jiang Peng; Yue Youling; Jin Chenjin ; Zhu Yan; Pan Zhichen; Nan Rendong ; FAST in Space: Considerations for a Multibeam, Multipurpose Survey Using China's 500-m Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), IEEE Microwave magazine, 20 18, 19(3): 112-119

(6) Shang, X. L.; Wang, P.; Zuo, W.; Dong, J. M. ; Role of nucleon-nucleon correlation in tra nsport coefficients and gravitational-wave-driven r-mode instability of neutron stars, Physics Le tters B, 2020, 811: 0-135963

(7) Pei Wang; Wei Zuo ; Three-body force effect on the neutron and proton spectral functions in asymmetric nuclear matter, Physical Review C, 2014, 89(054319): 1-10

(8) Wang Pei; Zuo Wei ; Effect of tensor interaction on density dependence of nuclear symmetr y energy within the BHF framework, Chinese Physics C, 2014, 39(014101): 1-6

(9) Pei Wang; Sheng-Xin Gan; Peng Yin; Wei Zuo ; Three-body force effect on off-shell mass operator and spectral functions in nuclear matter, Physical Review C, 2013, 87(014328): 1-7

(10) Wang Pei; Zuo Wei ; Three-body force effect on the properties of nuclear matter under the gap and continuous choices within the BHF approach, Chinese Physics C, 2013, 38(084102): 1-7
